Presuppositions of NLP
There are certain presuppositions underlying NLP. These are things that are presupposed in effective communication. Some of these are as follows.
1. The meaning of a communication is the response you get.
2. The map is not the territory.
3. Language is a secondary representation of experience.
4. Mind and body are parts of the same cybernetic system and affect each other.
5. The law of requisite variety (also known as the first law of cybernetics – cybernetics is the science of systems and controls in animals, including humans, and machines) states that in any cybernetic system the element or person in the system with the widest range of behaviours or variability of choice will control the system.
6. Behaviour is geared towards adaptation.
7. Present behaviour represents the very best choice available to a person.
8. Behaviour is to be evaluated and appreciated or changed as appropriate in the context presented.
9. People have all the resources they need to make the changes they want.
10. ‘Possible in the world’ or ‘possible for me’ is only a matter of how.
11. The highest quality information about other people is behavioural.
12. It is useful to make a distinction between behaviour and self.
13. There is no such thing as failure; there is only feedback.