Our workshops are open to anyone wishing to learn new skills, who are interested in something a little different & for those who need some ‘me’ time.
Introduction to Hawaiian Huna 2-Day Workshop
Are you curious about expanding your awareness and your spiritual growth? Continue your journey to personal empowerment or want to understand more about your connection to the universal spirit? This workshop will enable you to learn the magical and healing power of Hawaiian Huna, raise your self-awareness and assist you in letting go of old hurts and healing.
Huna is the name given to the ancient Hawaiian teachings for healing, knowledge, and spiritual shamanism. This 1-day workshop is an introduction to the Ancient Hawaiian Principles and how they can be used to benefit your life in the 21st Century.
Topics Include:
- Introduction to Ancient Hawaiian Huna Principles.
- Hawaiian Huna Healing.
- Hawaiian Huna and the Heart, Mind & Spirit.
- Hawaiian Healing with Ho’oponopono.
Introduction to Hawaiian Huna 2-Day Workshop Dates
Saturday 12th to Sunday 13th July 2025 – 9am to 4pm £200

Spiritual Development 2-Day Workshop
Do you want to understand how to use your energy for healing and purpose? Learn how to use your energy to enhance your life, and discover the power of your dreams and intentions. Meet your spirit guide, learn about Chakra’s and your energy centres and grow your spiritual connection.
Topics Include:
- Discovering The Power of Your Energy.
- Chakra’s.
- Meet Your Spirit Guide.
- Meditation for Well-Being.
Spiritual Development 2-Day Workshop Dates
Saturday 14th June & Sunday 15th June 2025

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